FCC RegUpdate

On May 09, 2024, the Taiwan cabinet approved two draft bills and two amendments to bolster anti-fraud capabilities. The four draft bills are listed below:

  • Fraud Crime Harm Prevention Bill
  • Use and Oversight of Science and Technology in Investigations
  • Communication Security and Surveillance Act (Amendment)
  • Money Laundering Control Act (Amendment)

To know more about this visit: https://www.fcctimes.com/2024/05/09/taiwan-approves-anti-fraud-legislation-overhaul/?utm_source=websiteText&utm_medium=FCCRegUpdate_16may24

The Ministry of Justice drafted legislation on science and technology in investigations and amendments to the Communication Security and Surveillance Act, aimed at equipping law enforcement with advanced tools for enhancing investigations and combating fraud.

The proposed amendments to the Money Laundering Control Act conform to international standards, focusing on combating emerging money laundering techniques and facilitating the rapid dismantling of fraud crime organizations.

The government formulated the fraud crime harm prevention bill to tackle Taiwan’s specific legal gaps and requirements.